Monday, 26 December 2011

Wedding concept with Fairytale Theme

Posted by Toweryalerj at 20:45
The concept of marriage in general is only about the international and traditional marriage. If you are stuck with the concept of marriage-that's all, it's time you glance at the concept of marriage on this one, the concept of fairytale wedding ..! The concept of marriage is somewhat unique. Why? Since the adaptation of the fairy tale childhood dreams are applied to a wedding.
The concept of the theme Fairytale Wedding

It may be that you become your favorite fairy tale characters as a child. Although a little complicated and a lot of preparation to do, but considering the results, you definitely can not wait to make it happen. Well ... like what and what needs to be prepared, let's look at a chat with two Wedding Planner, Connie of Connie & Friends and Hendry of Wine Wedding Planner.

The concept of using the concept of fairytale wedding, usually using fairy tales (fairy) like Cinderella, Snow White, "explained Connie of Connie & Friends. Hendry of Wine Wedding Planner also added "The concept of marriage is in addition to be lifted from a fairy tale (fairy) may also be of decorations, music and colors chosen for the wedding theme."

And keep in mind is dance and ballroom dance because it is identical with the fairytale story. Starting from the lighting, theme decor to the music. Music selected is impressive luxury and majestic in accordance with the story.

Most of these ideas come from the bride's childhood dreams of fairy-tales or their favorite characters. "The bride tried to translate their favorite characters or the story of their dreams of happily ever after love story they know his story from childhood," "and the initial idea of ​​the concept of such special character comes from the princess bride after we spoke on the theme of the party what is the most they desire in their party, where we build the basic concept of the new party based on a theme chosen, "said Connie.
The concept of the theme Fairytale Wedding

Meanwhile, according to Hendry, "Most couples choose the concept of marriage is because women are more pampered and happy ending story. So the marriage could be happy ending believed ... "

The first preparation is to ask about the reception venue and number of guests and type of her own party because all interconnected. Party decorations Wedding Organizer is usually proposed to be made to display their dreams and also suggested dress / suit the bride, the ushers, souvenir form and type of musical accompaniment party.


The colors chosen for the wedding party who uses this concept does not merely follow the fairytale story / fairy tale, like Snow White's use of colors like red and blue but the selection of colors such as bronze, burgundy and mocca to the decor can be an option.
The concept of the theme Fairytale Wedding

If it is usually what comes to mind when telling the story of Cinderella is a blue pastel colors, it turns out not merely to be that way. "The selection of warm colors such as bronze, burgundy, maroon Mocca or could be an option to give the impression of luxury and modern (but wrapped in a fairy tale feel of the modern)," said Hendry.

"For this color selection, for some there is still a taboo bridal colors. But for most of our clients, they're the favorite color of their choosing. Any color as long as it supports the theme chosen, in accordance with the conditions of party room plus clothing that will be subject to the bride and her extended family will certainly look special. "What makes a mess is when there is no agreement in the committee and the family to choose a primary color in the party. For example, the selected color is pink fushia and its derivatives, but the family of the bride and the committee instead used a uniform dress with a maroon color, and even salmon hahaha ... "said Connie, laughing.

Hendry Wine Planner also added, "For the family of the bride dress dresscode and the committee, the colors chosen must be tailored to the theme of color, line colors can be green, baby blue for the impression of elegance or bronze colors and mocca to the impression of luxury."

Procession and Decorating

"For those who picked up a fairy tale for her wedding, such as Snow White, Cinderella and others, the procession of the party can be removed from his own fairytale story, but not too deep, just take the basic form that can be directly read by the guests," said Connie . "For example, for Cinderella at the Hotel, decoration form castle complete with castle and the stairs and then royal carriage complete with white horse sculpture made of, because it is not possible to enter a horse to live into the ballroom. Apply to the wedding procession takes skill of course, "he continued.
The concept of the theme Fairytale Wedding

The concept of the theme Fairytale Wedding

"And for ornament commonly used is the great trees and vines that round," added Hendry.

Make no mistake, using the concept of fairytale wedding does not mean the party so impressed childish, "because the theme is taken is the classic children's story inevitably must be arranged so as not to become like the performances of children's stories. Maturity, grace the princess / women, with the pomp of a royal prince / bridegroom should be reflected without making them look like a character kid, "said Connie. Because it's for those who are interested in hosting a party this fairytale-style wedding, do not worry the party will be like sweet seventeen birthday party or birthday party kids .. ^ ^

Details (invitation cards, souvenirs etc.)

For details such as wedding invitation cards, souvenirs and others usually follow a theme that has been set. According to Connie, "The theme chosen should be applied to all the party details. So from the first since received an invitation, guests can already imagine that they attend a party that will have something unique and different.

Creating a curious guests will feast to be held always starts from the invitations they receive. The more unique the more curious of course, not ... "

Preparation time

Time to prepare a wedding with this unique concept should be done the year before, or at least 6 months. So if it comes to things that are not desirable, still have time to find a way out.

Preparing concept Fairytale Wedding Tips

* Do not impose personal ideas. Place, the number of guests and their character is a major consideration in developing ideas that would be accepted and enjoyed by all. And in the end can be praised and remembered by them.
* The character of the prospective bride must be tailored to the fairytale story characters are removed.


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