Sunday, 18 December 2011

Wedding Ring Should Not Be Made of Gold

Posted by Toweryalerj at 20:07
We are fortunate to be born in a century where technology has advanced metal processing and tolerance towards the higher personal taste. If at the grandmother decades we have only one option, namely to wear wedding rings made of gold, now we are free to determine the materials that we want the wedding rings.

It is certainly encouraging news for the bride who does not like yellow gold. Moreover, for the bride and groom Muslim men. In Islam, there is a ban on wearing gold rings for men. Because of that some men work around this by simply wearing a wedding ring when the contract and wedding receptions. After that, the ring lying in the crib sweet.

For some wives to see their partner was not wearing a wedding ring on his finger might not be a problem. However, others feel sad. Because, in addition to a wedding ring is a sign that someone is married is also a symbol of the emotional bond between wife and husband. Those who want a wedding ring can still be used in everyday finally chose an alternative material other than yellow gold ring.

Substitute Yellow Gold

The main choice of a popular substitute for gold in some time ago is platinum. The metal is white, pale, and the price can be 2-3 times more expensive than gold. It features, the metal is easily shaped and looks luxurious. He is easily combined with diamonds or other gemstones.

Due to its price, the prospective bride and then glanced at the white gold. The basic ingredients remain white gold yellow gold. However, he is plated with nickel, silver, palladium, or other metal that is white. For white gold, the scholars have not agreed whether allowed or forbidden for men.

The reason that does not allow for the basic ingredients remain the gold yellow and white gold. At this time the color is white, but over time the color will fade and yellow back.

If you are concerned with the legal use of white gold, there are still many options. Which is a trend among brides today is the wedding ring made of metal palladium and titanium. The price is cheap compared to gold and platinum.

Palladium like platinum, but the color is slightly blackish. Its texture is harder than platinum. The price is affordable, which is about $2/gram make it increasingly in demand lately. Titanium is even more expensive again.

The color is not as beautiful as palladium or titanium, but the crafters ring is usually mixed with blue or black so it looks interesting. Price of a pair of titanium wedding rings priced from $65/ pair. Hemm quite right.

Well, if you already have an idea of ​​what materials you want to use, it's time to imagine a wedding ring design that you desire. Including engraved writing on the side of the inner ring. More and more jewelers who offer services according to orders for rings of our design.

The more complicated the price is certainly more expensive. The time required to order a ring according to the size that is 3 weeks to 1 month. If you get married in two months, it was time to start looking for your wedding ring.


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