Friday, 13 January 2012

How to Design Your Own Prom Dress

Posted by Toweryalerj at 06:03

prom-dress There are several advantages to designing your own prom dress. On the one hand, you will not end up wearing the same dress as someone else and on the other hand, fits your own personal style and personality. There in no need to fear to make your own dress and it can be done in just a few steps.

1. Looking through the store, online catalog, clothing catalogs and pattern books will give you an overview of elements that can be used in your own prom dress. Utilizing thrift and consignment stores are the best and cheapest way to buy that you like best. This can be used as a pattern for your prom dress or as part of your prom dress.

2. Check out some sample clothes, consider the likes and dislikes and then decide how to alter a dress that fits you. If you like the colors and fabrics, take the dress apart to use part of the dress that you like. For example, if you like the bodice of the dresses and skirts, but hate the arm and back, utilizing the seam ripper to take parts of the dress that you will not like.

3. Buy your textiles for clothing. After following Step 3, you will have half the dress at this time. Get fabric samples and find a suitable fabric. Choose fabric dresses that you like, if you will not use part of the dress before.

4. Get dress pattern. You can buy the pattern for all or parts of clothing. Find the dress that you like than to see past the whole dress. Consider part of the dress designs you can eliminate. Avoid buying patterns that appear complicated to modify.

5. Different sections using different patterns to sketch your dress. Think about the dress and pulled a few different options. This time the individual dress designs you will start out.

6. You can make your own clothes or a tailor a flexible approach and work with you according to your design ideas.


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