For those of you young couples who may be planning to carry out the wedding, maybe after you've finished hunting reception locations, caterers can already suitable as a provider of food at the reception and had found a place to create invitation card, now is taking care of little things that might be a bit forgotten wedding souvenirs.
There are many ways to get a souvenir, for those of you who find your own hobby, perhaps wedding market, accessories store or elsewhere. For those who do not like to seek its own, with a variety of reasons and obstacles such as overcrowding lazy, lazy sunbathe or perhaps too lazy bargain, online shopping can be one of the references. One service provider is, it’s souvenirs provider.
Or, you do not choose the two ways mentioned above and may want to make your own wedding souvenirs.
Here is one option that might you make your wedding gift alternative. though still items that you need only be found in two ways above the shop directly at markets or shopping in cyberspace.
Souvenirs that we will create this time is a jewelry souvenir place, because the materials needed are easy to find and does not take long to do it.
- Provide raw materials, namely the jewelry, to serve a mica box and paper to serve as the base mat.
- Series of mica and mica place the paper in the bottom box to beautify
- After that, enter into a jewelry box and add ribbon to beautify the look of our souvenirs and do not forget to attach a thank you card, the result can be seen like this
Similarly, and may be useful
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